Suddenly, the entire world lit up as I woke up to the brightly lit plane about four hours later. I woke up just in time for them to pass out bananas and a DeltaMcMuffin. A muffled announcement was heard (in only English) over the intercom announcing that we had about one and a half or two hours left in the flight. Taking a few minutes to wake up, I eventually reached up to the overhead compartment and dug out my toothbrush and some toothpaste. As the flight finished up, I packed up my book and all of my other belongings and tried to sneak a peak out of the window down to the English land below. As we filed off of the plane, I tried to wrap my mind around the fact that we had actually arrived in London! Terribly long customs lines aside, we made it through to the other side only to see a Costa Coffee (the same one?) that we had a coffee at seven years ago as we spent some time at the Heathrow airport prior to departing to my Denmark adventure.
We eventually made it to the coaches, and from there we made our way to the Windsor Castle. Unfortunately, because our plane was a little bit late along with the extremely long customs line we only had about 30 or 45 minutes to spend at Windsor Castle, but nonetheless it was a very cool place to visit and many good pictures were taken! From Windsor, we traveled to our hotel in London, and the entire bus was pretty much out because it had been almost a day since we had last had a true nights sleep! After about an hour or so, we made it to our hotel and were reunited with our luggage and keys were handed out as we all ventured off into the Thistle Barbican Hotel to find our rooms. Once we arrived at the room, I unpacked my backpack and dumped all of the stuff that I had been carrying this entire time into my big suitcase now that it no longer mattered how much it weighed. How good it felt to get all of that weight off of my back! We hung out for a bit while we repacked, and then we headed down for dinner. Dinner was in our hotel, and we enjoyed some delicious salad, potatoes, chicken, and green beans along with a delicious piece of chocolate cake! Directly from here we set off onto a nice evening walk down to the Thames River, on the way to which we saw some very cool landmarks such as the Millennium bridge and the rebuilt Globe Theatre, modeled exactly after the one in which Shakespeare’s plays were performed. We took lots of great pictures and had nice walk to tire us out before we made our way back to the hotel to enjoy a good nights sleep.
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