First of all, the fondue party. It was amazing! The cliffsnotes - amazing pots of steaming cheese were delivered to our tables and soon after trays and plates of delicious bread were brought to us and the feast began! We enjoyed this classic swiss tradition until the entertainment for the night began. We watched a group of women yodel, play the accordion, play a bicycle pump, men who played those humongous horn things, a small band, singers, and the grand finale of dancers! It was a night to remember in Switzerland and delicious food, friends, and fun entertainment all made for a perfect last night.
Like most travel days, today was not the most interesting. However, it can be listed under the more interesting travel days because it included the chance to drive through Liechtenstein. We started off at 7:00 this morning after a 6:00 luggage call, and we were of course all immediately out after enjoying our last breakfast with the view to die for. The bus ride basically consisted of switching between sleeping and reading, which resulted in a good amount of sleep as well as getting about one hundred pages read in the book that I have to read for school in the fall!
A couple of hours later, I was woken by a voice over the intercom system saying that we had reached the tiny country of Liechtenstein for lunch. However, we only had an our! We dashed over to the Coop store (grocery store) to buy a picnic lunch of bread, meat, cheese, chips, and an apple pastry to go. We found a nice bench where we could view the gorgeous scenery of tiny Liechtenstein and enjoy our meal just in time before we had to board the bus again.
We all loaded back on the bus and it was the same story again as the morning, except my reading time was greatly interrupted by lots of tunnels! We must have passed through twenty or thirty tunnels on the journey between Liechtenstein and the city we are staying in (Seefeld) Austria. Because it continually was dark for random times at random times, I resorted to just listening to music and playing a short game of scrabble against myself on my iPad. Soon enough we made it to Seefeld!
Once we arrived we checked into our hotel, probably the nicest so far (but definitely not the same view as Switzerland!). Once checked in, we had some time to explore the small town around us where we will be staying for the next three nights. We got into town, peered into a couple of shops, and then decided to enjoy a cappuccino on the sidewalk, do a little people watching, and ultimately gather our thoughts and decide what to do next all while enjoying some fresh air after being shut inside a bus all day. After this delicious treat, it was time for dinner! Our first Austrian meal - soup, meatballs and potatoes, carrots, finished with a marscapone cheese and cherry dessert - was incredibly delicious! If there is one part about this trip that is continually amazing and incredible it is most definitely the food. The food has all been superb. After enjoying dinner, we had a couple hours of free time to spend before we had to be back in our rooms for bed. We decided to head out and find the revered gelato shop and catch a few minutes of the big Spain vs. Italy soccer (fútbol!) game here. It was crazy! The streets and restaurants were all full (for a small town) of people wanting to watch the game. We watched a few minutes as we ate our gelato and then were on our way back to the hotel to catch some sleep. Sleep on the bus is good, but it will definitely not compare to sleep in a real bed tonight!
More adventures tomorrow...